The playwright of the script Budha Chingtham, female leading role Nepram Dhanamanjuri, supporting male actor Ningthouja Jayvidya , costume designer T Memma and K Piyobrata, stage designer Takhellambam, Sachikumar, innovative sound designer N Tiken and the director of the play Deepak Ningthouja were nominated for the Mahindra Excellent in Theatre Award. Among them Takhellambam Sachikumar and N Tiken were awarded the Best stage Designer and best innovative Sound designer in the 7th edition of the Mahindra excellent in theater award.
The play was selected along with nine other plays from among the 260 plays screened for the festival by 5 eminent jury member of the country which included noted critic Samik Bandyopadhyay, Chairperson of the National school of Drama Amal Allana and Senior Associate editor of the Hindu, Mukund Padmanabhan. META theatre festival is one of the most prestigious theatre festivals in the country and is being organized every year in the capital city of India New Delhi. In this festival only three Manipuri plays – “Meerel Masinggha” of the Kanglei mime reparatory theater, “Mythical Surrender” of NT theatre and “A Far Cry” of the same group had so far enter the festival. Last year too in the 6th edition of META – NT Theatre’s “Mythical Surrender” was nominated for the award in 9 categories and bagged award in three categories – the best Chorography, the best innovative Sound and the best original script. With two more awards in best innovative Sound and best stage set, the theater group had proved its excellence in the field of modern Manipuri Contemporary theatre. Director Deepak Ningthouja speaking on the occasion said he took almost three month of serious rehearsal to perform for this META theatre festival.
The play was performed at Kamani Auditorium in Delhi on 6th of March this year and the award was distributed on the next day at Taj Hotel with a heart throbbing function. Noted Bollywood actor Kabir Bedi hosted the award distribution function at Taj. Speaking on the occasion Kabir Bedhi highlighted the rising trend of modern Indian theatre and its impact to the societal reformation. He also said that the plays in the festival were selected from 260 entries from across the country.
The colorful evening at Taj hotel was also attended by various renowned theatre and film personalities from across the state. The elegant and heart throbbing performances of many renowned artists from across the country also added flavor the celebration of the META theater festival on that evening.
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